Drug and alcohol treatment centers recognize that each person with an addiction has different needs. That is why in Orland Park, Illinois, rehab facilities offer different types of substance abuse treatments. Each case is different, which is why there are many types of rehabs available. As a person with an addiction, or a concerned party, it’s important to understand each rehab and how they work. Many rehab facilities in Orland Park, Illinois, may offer several of these kinds of rehabs, and some types may overlap.
12-Step Rehab
The oldest and arguably the most popular type of rehabilitation centers in Orland Park, Illinois, 12-step rehab focuses on the patient following a roadmap toward sobriety. It requires the patient to admit their mistakes and ask a higher power for guidance.
Non-12-Step Rehab
A type of substance abuse treatment in Orland Park, Illinois, focuses on addiction as a disease rather than a fault of the patient. Non-12-Step rehab works towards identifying what drove the patient to addiction and offers mitigating treatments.
Luxury Rehab
Luxury rehab in Orland Park, Illinois, offers detox and counseling in a country club-type atmosphere. Part of the treatment includes activities such as yoga, swimming, hiking, spa-type treatments, horseback riding, golfing, and other hobbies.
Inpatient Drug Rehab
Many Orland Park, Illinois, drug rehab centers are inpatient drug rehab. That means the patient stays in the rehab center for weeks to detox and recover from their addiction.
Holistic Rehab
Holistic rehab uses natural methods in detox rehab in Orland Park, Illinois, and addiction recovery. They often use combined modalities such as acupuncture, acupressure, massage, herbal and homeopathic treatments, as well as yoga, meditation, mindfulness, and hiking.
Dual Diagnosis Rehab
Some rehabilitation facilities in Orland Park, Illinois, treat people with more than one health problem, such as bipolar disorder and drug abuse, or depression and alcohol abuse. Called comorbidity, people who suffer from addiction often have more than just their addiction to contend with.
IOP Program
Intensive Outpatient Programs—or IOP programs—focus on treating people who have addictions who have already been through detox and people with mental health problems such as depression, bipolar disorders, and other mental health problems.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Many mental health facilities in Orland Park, Illinois, offer cognitive behavioral therapy. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy works by addressing certain negative thoughts and feelings that may cause a person with an addiction to abuse substances.
Alcohol Rehab
Alcohol rehab often entails alcohol detox in Orland Park, Illinois, and may either be a 12-step or non-12-step program to treat the addiction. It may either be inpatient or outpatient after the detox.
Drug Rehab
Drug rehab often requires medical detox in Orland Park, Illinois, and may either be a 12-step or non-12-step program to treat the addiction. It may either be inpatient or outpatient after the detox.
Treatment varies according to the type of Orland Park, Illinois rehabilitation centers, but generally, addiction treatment starts with detox. Detox is important because it rids the body of the poisons that make the patient dependent on the substance. Detox typically lasts a few days to two weeks.
But detox is only the first step. The patient is still addicted to the substance, even if their body is no longer dependent on it. It’s important for the patient to understand what caused their addictions and to learn ways to cope with the stressors that trigger substance abuse.
This second phase may be done as either an inpatient or outpatient treatment. Many rehab facilities in Orland Park, Illinois, prefer to treat clients as inpatients rather than rely on outpatient therapy because it is more difficult to control potential relapses in outpatients during this vulnerable time.
The third phase of treatment is outpatient therapy, where the patient checks in with counselors and case managers who help the patient with problems that might cause a relapse. In some cases, outpatient therapy is included in the cost of inpatient rehab in Orland Park, Illinois.
If you or a loved one has a substance abuse problem, you do have treatment options. For students, the best rehab in Orland Park, Illinois, will be the one that fits your circumstances. Choose an inpatient rehab if your current situation promotes substance abuse because it will be almost impossible to avoid relapsing. Outpatient rehabs are best for those who cannot take time off from school or work.
Either way, detox centers in Orland Park, Illinois, will require that you detox as an inpatient to monitor your health and be certain that you detox safely.
In most cases, insurance will cover the costs for alcohol and drug rehab in Orland Park, Illinois. However, if you have no insurance, you may be able to qualify for Medicaid. Even if you are unable to qualify, there are often low-cost to no-cost programs in your area. You can find out more information on the Illinois State website.
If you decide that the best rehab centers in Orland Park, Illinois, do not have the right treatment for you, you may have to travel to get the help you need. Although this can be frustrating and time-consuming, traveling to the right rehab facility may be the correct choice. If you choose to travel, be certain that the facility has outpatient addiction counseling in Orland Park, Illinois, so that you can continue the outpatient work after your rehab.